❤️ Lily ❤️

3/27/2009 - 3/24/2021

Lily joined our family in 2009 when Ryan was 11, Maggie was 9, and Lee was 5. She was a sweet-natured, well-behaved, absolutely adorable Labradoodle. She was never the type to chew things that weren’t hers, beg for food, or create any problems at all. While she was perfect in our eyes she did occasionally get into trouble like when she would go on walkabouts around the neighborhood or turned herself brown after Maggie “taught” her how to dig. The trouble she got into was never a serious problem rather something the family could laugh about. Later in life, Lily began having seizures and after years of them being regular in March of 2021, she began having several seizures close together in a period of 24 hours. We decided we couldn’t put ourselves and more importantly her through that anymore. The pandemic allowed the whole family to be together when we had to make the hardest choice dog people have to make. We will always cherish the wonderful memories we made with her and are so thankful to have had a fourth kid to grow up alongside the human children. Forever in our hearts, rest in divine peace Lily.

Persephone ‘Percy’ Kelly

~ 01/03/22 ~

On March 5th we will be bringing home our new family member and we are beyond excited. Dog lovers and owners will understand the void in our home that was created by the loss of our Lily. We will be absolutely blessed if Percy has even just a fraction of Lily’s personality. If you would also like to watch our Percy grow up follow her Instagram @Persephone_Kelly